China established Professional Cleaning Training Program
On Tuesday, 08.04.2008 the China Professional Cleaning Committee (CPCC) of the China Chamber of International Commerce (Ministry of Construction) announced the establishment of a professional cleaning training program in order to improve the quality, safety and environment-friendliness of professional cleaning.
The training program will be built in modules in order to give participants flexibility in terms of time and qualification. In order to establish a quality standard CPCC will give the participants possibility to obtain an official certificate after the training program has been successfully passed. This will help landlords to choose professional companies and companies to choose professional employees.
A basic cleaning training will start in early summer and will be offered in Beijing, Shanghai and probably Guangzhou first. Trainings will be held in a 2-month cycle and limited to 50 persons. The number of trainings, new topic trainings and training cities offered will be gradually improved. CPCC recommends an early registration as demand is expected high. Details, schedules, registration at
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